Trickle trickle goes the flow of new jewelry…

Check out the Wood Slice Earrings I just posted to my etsy shop! They are sterling silver with a rosewood inlay. These are some of my favourite pieces. I love wood and metal though, so I’m probably biased.

Have a Happy Gate Night, everyone! Don’t get into trouble. : )

Slowly I am getting all the new stuff up online. Next item up for bids: The Equalizer Pendant!

Equalizer Pendant

Equalizer Pendant

A dotty, colourful pendant to go with the new musically themed rings. In brushed sterling silver with yellow epoxy resin inlay. Check it out at my Etsy Shop! And have a good Monday.

Keep the volume on those hands in CHECK! I posted new rings with dots to my etsy shop today. Pictures!

The Equalizer Ring

The Equalizer Ring

I love dots! Dots and colours. This is the perfect ring for me. See more at my esty shop! Peace out, homeslices.

So this is where I’ll be posting Phase Six News periodically. Whats going on at present:

I am learning Dreamweaver and properly coding and updating CSS is cool, but me using it is sort of like me editing a paper in Italian; its hard to find the mistakes when you don’t even completely know the grammar or the vocabulary! There are a ton of resources on it though, particularly I’ve been using Lightbox and CSSPlay.

I have one last silver soldering class with Karl at Algonquin, and then its time to go equipment shopping, as I don’t yet have the stuff to do everything at home. Its a slippery slope though… I’ve been eyeing this Doming Punch on etsy… A lot of jeweller’s tools are so archaic, it reminds me of my Grandpa Peacock’s garage. This is what I made last class:

I am learning to work with copper now too – you can get some really cool colours just by heating it up. So many possibilities, so little time…

OK, time to get back to Dreamweaving. Peace out!!